Let me be
A white wall
You could hang a picture if you want
Or a sidewalk
Echoing with someone else’s footsteps
Can I please be
A window
For someone else to look through
To see the world outside
A street dotted with candy wrappers and cigarette butts
The sunshine reflected in a puddle
Slowly disappearing after last night’s downpour
If I could be
A coat for you to wear
The lining torn but silky still
You wouldn’t mind the holes
Would you?
Or maybe
I could be a sky
So wide and open and empty
That I can hold everything at once
And then let it all go
A cool softness dropping on this world
Like gentle rain
Most of all
Can I be still?
So still that I forget I’m even here?
And all that’s left is
The white wall
The sidewalk
The window
The candy wrappers
The cigarette butts
The puddle
The sunlight
And a coat that smells of rain